Wilson & Myers (2000) stated that “thinking and learning make sense only within particular situations” (p. 71). I feel that the context in which instruction is delivered can have powerful influences on the learning produced. I am not sure that LOs capture or specify these contexts. It would seem to be an important function of a teacher to match an appropriate LO to contextual elements of the instruction environment.

Some self-directed learners may not be able to strategically build meaningful learning from a library of LOs. Others will.

I think of learning object repositories like I think of regular libraries. Just because someone builds a library of books does not mean that everyone will use it in the same way or even at all. The library may also present a framework that even limits learning potentials.

Wilson, B. G., & Meyers, K. M. (2000). Situated cognition in theoretical and practical context. In David H. Jonassen & Susan M. Land (eds.), Theoretical foundations of learning environments. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates.